Aeries Portal Access Instruction

2 years ago

Aeries Portal Access
Middle/High School Parents and Students Only
Note:  The Aeries Portal may not be available to parents and students until the second week of school each year.

All parent and student accounts from last year will continue to work in the new year--even if the student has changed school sites.  If you have forgotten your password, simply click the "Forgot Your Password?" link.  If you have changed your email address (which functions as a username), please contact the school secretary so that he/she can put your new email address into the system.  

In early September, school sites will distribute Aeries Portal account creation information to students and parents of 7th graders (6th grade at CECA) and, also for any student in middle or high school grades who is new to the district this year.  In order to create a new account students and parents will need the student's Verification Passcode, or "VPC" (which is not the Email Confirmation Code and the student's 9- or 10-digit ID number.   Please contact the school office if you are new to the District and did not receive this information by the second week of school.

Note:  The Aeries Portal server will send an automated message to your private email address as part of the Aeries Portal account creation process.  Be sure that your email account is set to allow incoming messages from the domains "" and
 "".  Since the emails will be automated, many email systems (notably AOL) reject such messages unless the exact email address or its domain name is added to the safe senders list. 

Also, the system will only allow the creation of one Aeries Portal log-in account using a single email address; however, parents may, once they have created their first new Aeries Portal account, link that account to other children they may have within the district provided that they also have the VPC and Permanent ID for those students, as well (see paragraph below).

Students under the age of 13 may not yet have an email account of their own, and parents may not yet be ready for them to have their own accounts.  In those cases, we encourage parents to either establish a parent-monitored email account for their child or simply allow their student to also use your Aeries Portal parent account once created.  Should the child click the Forgot Password link and the password gets reset, it is the parent who will receive the email with the new password--not the student.
Linking to Additional Children:  Once you have created an account for one student in your family, you may link to your other children through Aeries Portal by clicking the CURRENT STUDENT drop-down menu selector at the top right-hand side of the Aeries home page and clicking the link to "Add Additional Student Not Currently Listed."  You will need to provide a separate Permanent ID number, telephone number, and VPC for each additional student to which you would like to link.

One final note:  Be sure that the browser being used is set to refresh each page with each visit so that the most recent data is always what your computer displays.


3 years ago



It is an absolute necessity that students attend school on a regular basis. Studies originating from a variety of sources indicate that there is a direct correlation between education and income. If your child's success in life is important to you, it is critical that he or she gets a good basic education. This can only occur if regular school attendance is maintained from Kindergarten through 12th grade (thirteen years of schooling). The following chart is an example of possible education days versus actual education days for students who are frequently absent, based on thirteen years of education with 180 days of instruction per year.

Possible Days
Actual Days
Attendance Rate
Days Missed in 13 Years
Average Days Missed per Year
Education Loss
2/3 of a year
1 1/3 years
3 1/4 years
6 1/2 years

Students who miss 10% or more actually lose more than time. They lose out on skill development, practice, and standards mastery, which can impede their ability to pass the California High School Exit Exam. Students who regularly miss school, miss out on what other students in their classes are getting. They begin to feel that they will never catch up, so why should they try?

Regular attendance does not guarantee success, perfect scores, high grades, or a high school diploma, but it does give students the best possible chance. In this life, basic skills are offered "free" only once. The failure to take advantage of a free public education when it is available is very costly. Don't cheat you children or yourself. See to it that you get your money's worth the first time around. Promote education in your home and see to it that the leaders of tomorrow - your children - are the best this world has to offer. You are the first and most important teacher in your children's lives. Please teach them the value of learning.