2 years ago



It is an absolute necessity that students attend school on a regular basis. Studies originating from a variety of sources indicate that there is a direct correlation between education and income. If your child's success in life is important to you, it is critical that he or she gets a good basic education. This can only occur if regular school attendance is maintained from Kindergarten through 12th grade (thirteen years of schooling). The following chart is an example of possible education days versus actual education days for students who are frequently absent, based on thirteen years of education with 180 days of instruction per year. 

Possible Days
Actual Days
Attendance Rate
Days Missed in 13 Years
Average Days Missed per Year
Education Loss
2/3 of a year
1 1/3 years
3 1/4 years
6 1/2 years

Students who miss 10% or more actually lose more than time. They lose out on skill development, practice, and standards mastery, which can impede their ability to pass the California High School Exit Exam. Students who regularly miss school, miss out on what other students in their classes are getting. They begin to feel that they will never catch up, so why should they try?

Regular attendance does not guarantee success, perfect scores, high grades, or a high school diploma, but it does give students the best possible chance. In this life, basic skills are offered "free" only once. The failure to take advantage of a free public education when it is available is very costly. Don't cheat you children or yourself. See to it that you get your money's worth the first time around. Promote education in your home and see to it that the leaders of tomorrow - your children - are the best this world has to offer. You are the first and most important teacher in your children's lives. Please teach them the value of learning.


2 years ago

Mesa View Homework Plan

Homework is an extension of instruction in the classroom.  It provides practice and further development of the concepts.  Homework may be differentiated based upon a student's individual needs.  Teachers will always provide guided practice for these assignments.

When is there homework?
Homework is typically assigned Monday through Thursday evenings, though sometimes there may be homework over the weekend.  Instances may occur when the time required to complete homework may exceed the typical time limit.  These instances include research reports, science projects, etc…

How much homework is expected?
Sixth, Seventh, & Eighth Grades = average of 90 minutes or less per night

How much parent involvement is expected?
Parents and guardians should provide a quiet place for their child to do homework that allows him or her to concentrate and focus.  Students should have some supervision during homework time to ensure they are working and in the event they should have questions or need assistance.  Parents may need to check their child’s Student Agenda and each completed assignment in order to be sure that the student is completing his or her work.  Resources for completing homework include a dictionary, atlas, pencil, and paper.  Other resources include crayons/colored pencils/markers, scissors, and glue.  A computer also serves as a helpful tool. 

What are the expectations for students?
Students are expected to complete daily homework assignments the day it is assigned.  Long-term projects may be assigned over the course of several days or weeks.  If students are experiencing difficulty, the students should complete as much of the homework as possible.  Students are expected to ask their teacher for assistance in the areas they had difficulty with.  Parents can also assist by following up with the teacher to be sure that their child asked for this help.  Students also need to remain on the timeline established by the teacher in order to avoid last minute time pressures.

How does homework relate to student grades?
Homework is only one contributing factor in a student's grade.  This factor varies from teacher to teacher.  Assessments tend to carry more weight when calculating a final mark on the report card.

What's the best way for parents to help?
Parents and guardians should communicate regularly with the teacher.  In addition, parents and guardians should monitor a daily or weekly assignment sheet.  Parents may also access Aeries Browser Interface (ABI) to monitor assignments and assessments and to see their child's current grade.

What homework strategies will be taught to students?
Students will be assigned homework on a day-by-day or weekly basis.  Teachers will establish how they pass out and collect the homework, and they will communicate these procedures to students.  Assignments will be collected, and feedback will be provided in a timely manner.  All students at Mesa View should keep their Student Agenda updated.  This practice can keep students organized and serve as a tool to clearly know which assignments are due the following day

What resources are available to students?
Support and assistance is readily available to parents and students.  Counselors supports student success through developing intervention plans, monitoring weekly progress reports, and facilitating parent-teacher conferences.  Contact a counselor for additional information about any of the resources the school can provide to assist your child.  Class time will be given to answer questions about homework and for the student to practice with the guidance of the teacher. Each teacher is available to assist students with questions during the day.  Parents and guardians may contact the teacher to determine when the teacher might offer additional support, either before or after school, or during a break.  Other programs that support students include the campus library/media center, Aeries Browser Interface (ABI), various school interventions and enrichment opportunities, teacher web pages on the school’s website, and Student Intervention Team (SIT) participation.

How are assignments coordinated among different teachers?
Every effort will be made to coordinate major assignments and other special activities among a student’s various teachers.  Students should feel comfortable reminding one teacher of major commitments in other classes.  Please recognize that there are comprehensive assessments at the end of each semester in most subjects.  This is a time when students should be devoting extra time to study for finals exams and projects.

How will homework emphasize higher order thinking skills?
English teachers will teach research skills when research is required for class work or for homework. Students can expect a research report or presentation in social studies and science during the school year.  English teachers typically require students to read independently for twenty to thirty minutes per night on a regular basis.  Math teachers will include substantial problem-solving activities as homework at various times during the year.  Teachers use district adopted textbooks and supplemental materials to instruct grade level content standards to all students.  

What type of feedback is the teacher expected to give?
All teachers will make every effort to provide students feedback in a timely manner.  Results will be used to identify concepts and standards that need re-teaching and/or extension.  Mesa View’s teachers have made a commitment to keep grade and assignments up-to-date on ABI. Feel free to access your child’s grades online.


2 years ago

Mesa View Middle School
“Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow”
 Honors Parent & Student Contract

Student:____________________________(Please print name)

Courses requested:______________________________________

Grade level next year:_________

Please carefully read each item below, and initial, indicating you understand the expectations of an Honors course.

_____I am aware of the increased workload and rigor with an Honors course.

_____I understand that my student could have at least one hour of homework per night with each Honors course.

_____We have discussed as a family, the importance of my student’s responsibility to balance homework with any outside activities and non-school related commitments.

_____I understand that any Honors course is a YEAR LONG commitment.

_____My student and I understand the commitment and responsibility required for these courses.

My signature below is confirmation that I understand all the rigor and responsibility that comes with any Honors course. My student is committing to remain in his/her chosen Honors course(s) throughout the 2016 – 2017 school year.

_______________________________________                   ______________________
Student signature                                                               Date

Print parent name

______________________________________                     ______________________
Parent signature                                                                 Date

A printable PDF copy of the MVMS Honors Contract can be found on the Parent Resources page in the Documents section.  Click here.

Aeres Portal Registration

2 years ago

Aeries Portal Access
Middle/High School Parents and Students Only
Note:  The Aeries Portal may not be available to parents and students until the second week of school each year.

All parent and student accounts from last year will continue to work in the new year--even if the student has changed school sites.  If your have forgotten your password, simply click the "Forgot Your Password?" link.  If you have changed your email address (which functions as a username), please contact the school secretary so that he/she can put your new email address into the system.  

In early September, school sites will distribute Aeries Portal account creation information to students and parents of 7th graders (6th grade at CECA) and, also for any student in middle or high school grades who is new to the district this year.  In order to create a new account students and parents will need the student's Verification Passcode, or "VPC" (which is not the Email Confirmation Code and the student's 9- or 10-digit ID number.   Please contact the school office if you are new to the District and did not receive this information by the second week of school.

Note:  The Aeries Portal server will send an automated message to your private email address as part of the Aeries Portal account creation process.  Be sure that your email account is set to allow incoming messages from the domains "" and
 "".  Since the emails will be automated, many email systems (notably AOL) reject such messages unless the exact email address or its domain name is added to the safe senders list. 

Also, the system will only allow the creation of one Aeries Portal log-in account using a single email address; however, parents may, once they have created their first new Aeries Portal account, link that account to other children they may have within the district provided that they also have the VPC and Permanent ID for those students, as well (see paragraph below).

Students under the age of 13 may not yet have an email account of their own, and parents may not yet be ready for them to have their own accounts.  In those cases, we encourage parents to either establish a parent-monitored email account for their child or simply allow your student to also use your Aeries Portal parent account once created.  Should the child click the Forgot Password link and the password gets reset, it is the parentwho will receive the email with the new password--not the student.
Linking to Additional Children:  Once you have created an account for one student in your family, you may link to your other children through Aeries Portal by clicking the CURRENT STUDENT drop-down menu selector at the top right-hand side of the ABI home page and click the link to "Add Additional Student Not Currently Listed."  You will need to provide a separate Permanent ID number, telephone number, and VPC for each additional student to which you would like to link.

One final note:  Be sure that the browser being used is set to refresh each page with each visit so that the most recent data is always what your computer displays.


2 years ago

Student Registration

In order to register a child at Mesa View, parents or guardians need to follow the guidelines below.  Mesa View registers students throughout the school year.  Registration for the future school year typically begins on or around March 1. Please note that any of our grade levels may be full when you register a child, especially if you register mid-year.  If this is the case, the child would be sent to the district's other middle school (Park View Middle School) until space became available at Mesa View.

1. Call the Mesa View school office at 790-8008 or click here to see if you live within Mesa View's attendance area.  If you live outside of the Mesa View attendance area, but wish to attend Mesa View, you must first register at Park View Middle School or your out-of-district "home" school.  You can then request an inter-district or intra-district transfer.  Board policy on this procedure can be read by clicking here.

2. Come to the office to get a registration packet and complete all portions of the packet.  The packet usually takes about an hour to complete.  Packets can be completed at home and returned or they can be completed in our lobby.

3. Turn in the completed packet and provide...

a. ... proof of residence in our attendance area.  Proof can be in the form of an electric bill, gas bill, mortgage statement, or rental agreement.  Water bills will not be accepted.

b. ... the child's shot record.  Parents need to bring records of their student's past immunizations, serious diseases and injuries. California state law requires students entering seventh grade to complete a series of immunization updates, including the new Tdap immunization.  Contact our school health tech for details.  Parents may take their children to the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health Clinic at the Scherer Community Center, 12202 First Street, the third Thursday of the month. Clinic hours are 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Immunizations to satisfy all state requirements will be available for $15. The telephone number is (800) 722-4794. Children without required immunizations cannot be registered.